Exploring the Chakras: The Sacral – Svadhisthana Chakra

Exploring the Chakras: The Sacral – Svadhisthana Chakra

The svadhisthana chakra, also known as the sacral chakra, is the second chakra in the tantric seven chakra system. As the seat of your creative energy, this chakra plays a crucial role in both the creation of life through reproduction and the creation of art, music, ideas, and more. When this chakra is balanced correctly and opened, it can provide you with the potential for limitless creative abilities. 

Since the svadhisthana chakra is closely related to reproduction and sexuality, it tends to become drained or overused in modern times. Connecting with the svadhisthana chakra reminds us of the importance and sacred nature of sexuality and how we can conserve and harness this energy for a range of essential purposes. 

The Basics of the Svadhisthana Chakra 

The root word “sva” means self, and “adhisthana” means seat, residence, or established. So, the word svadhisthana means the seat of the self or where your being is established in Sanskrit. The correct pronunciation for this word is “Svādhiṣṭhāna” or “svaa-dhish-thaana.” 

Historically, the svadhisthana chakra was actually the seat of Kundalini Shakti, which is why the name of this chakra means the seat of the self. But in modern times, this energy has sunken downwards into the muladhara chakra. As you begin the process of clearing and connecting with this chakra, ultimately, you are connecting with your true self. See below for a brief summary of the primary details of the sacral chakra: 

Physical Location:     A few inches below the navel, near the perineum 

Color:      Orange 

Seed Sound:      Vam ( वं ) 

Element:      Water 

Mudra:      Dhyan Mudra 

Sense:      Taste 

Action:     Reproduction, creation 

Organs:     Reproductive glands, sex organs, bladder, prostate, womb, and kidneys 

Deity:      Vishnu 

Symbol:     Six-petaled lotus flower with a crescent moon inside 

Stone:       Coral, Citrine, Sunstone, Carnelian, Amber, Moonstone, and Tiger’s Eye 

The Development of the Svadhisthana Chakra 

The sacral chakra first develops around age 7 when you reach the age of exploration, independence, and expression of individuality. Most children at this age have a naturally vivid imagination and high creative energy, facilitating them through this bright and exciting phase of life. During this crucial developmental period, we begin to navigate the growth of autonomy and individuality, or conversely, we may experience a dip into shame or self-doubt. 

The development of the svadhisthana chakra is also related to the development of the sex organs and reproductive glands. Throughout our lives, particularly during the phase of puberty, these organs receive an added push of energy at particular stages and influence the body’s reproductive and creative abilities.

The Emotions & Energetics of the Svadhisthana Chakra 

The strongest emotion underlying the svadhisthana chakra is pleasure, and this chakra is the embodiment of material enjoyment, sexual desire, and sensuality. But at times, this chakra can become blocked by fear, particularly the fear of death. 

When this chakra opens up, it manifests as divine creativity, fulfilled desire, and confidence. Fun, freedom, creativity, and pleasure are essential parts of life that are often ignored or over-indulged. But finding that balance of external pleasure with internal fulfillment is what the svadhisthana chakra is all about. 

The water element associated with this chakra center allows you to tune into the underlying flow of life and move with greater flexibility, freedom, and authenticity. Like a flowing and dancing stream of water, this chakra center taps into the deep energetics of release and creative movement. 

How to Identify When Your Sacral Chakra is Out of Balance 

In modern times, the sacral chakra is often the chakra center that becomes most easily imbalanced. Every romantic engagement that we have in our lives shifts the energies in this chakra center, which is why it is so important to be conscious of who we bring into our lives and engage in intimacy. See below for the primary signs that your svadhisthana chakra is out of balance: 

Mental, Emotional, & Spiritual Signs: 

• Fear of pleasure 
• Inability to experience emotional or sexual intimacy 
• Nightmares 
• Fear of judgment 
• Emotional ups and downs 
• Lack of creativity 
• Insecurity 
• Detachment 
• Lack of desire 

Physical Signs:

• Chronic low back pain 
• Arthritis 
• Sexual problems or low libido 
• Hip pain 
• Anemia 
• Joint problems 
• Low energy or fatigue 
• Spleen or kidney issues 
• Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) 

Have some of these signs or symptoms occurred in your life? As you gain a deeper connection with this chakra center, you may begin to notice these subtle changes. This awareness is a gift and nothing to be ashamed of since it simply highlights a beautiful opportunity for healing and transformation. 

5 Nourishing Ways to Balance Your Svadhisthana Chakra 

1. Practice Creative Yoga Asana 

Yoga practice actively moves energy in the body and can physically shift blockages or knots, also known as granthis in Sanskrit. When these knots develop in the chakras, you can move energy in the body with yoga poses to stimulate different areas of the body and move into subtler levels over time. During yoga practice for the svadhisthana chakra, it is important to encourage creativity and flow through every pose.

Yoga Poses for the Svadhisthana Chakra

• Reclined Butterfly Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana) 
• Wide-Angled Seated Forward Bend (Upavistha Konasana) 
• Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana) 
• Dancer’s Pose (Natrajasana) 
• Triangle Pose (Trikonasana) 
• Revolved Triangle Pose (Parivritta Trikonasana) 
• Extended Side Angle Pose (Utthita Parsvokonasana) 
• Crow Pose (Kakasana) 
• Bow Pose (Dhanurasana) 
• Goddess Pose (Utkata Konasana) 

2. Meditate on the Svadhisthana Chakra 

The practice of meditation allows you to delve into the subtle internal state of your mind and consciousness. For the svadhisthana chakra, the meditation practices at this level are a bit different because they often involve flowing movement. One of the best meditation practices for the sacral chakra is ecstatic dance or any form of movement meditation. 

Sensual and flowing movement allows you to tap deeper into your natural creativity and merge with the element of water that is the core of this chakra. Additionally, any meditation practices involving visualizing water or even water-based activities can be an excellent way to heal this chakra. Finally, art therapy practices or creative activities can also stimulate and awaken your sacral chakra. 

3. Harness the Power of Prana 

Prana is the energy that moves through your entire subtle body and flows through your chakra centers, clearing blockages and contributing to the ascension of kundalini energy towards awakening. Therefore, pranayama practices, or breathing techniques, are an essential component of sacral chakra healing to encourage the movement of prana in the body. 

The best pranayama practices for the svadhisthana chakra are ujjayi pranayama and kapalabhatti. Ujjayi pranayama is a warming practice that is particularly beneficial for the movement of water in the body; this breath is even often called the ocean breath. Kapalabhatti is both a breathing technique and cleansing exercise that is wonderful for clearing energetic blockages and is particularly stimulating for the abdomen in the region of the sacral chakra.

4. Tune into Subtle Vibration Through Sound 

The vibrational energy of sound is profoundly healing for all the chakras, but it is vital for the sacral chakra because of the creative and engaging nature of music. Affirmations are also crucial for balancing the svadhisthana chakra. They help you tap into the inner confidence and emotional healing that is essential at this stage of chakra healing. 

The solfeggio frequency that harmonizes this chakra center is at 417 hertz, so listening to music or Tibetan singing bowls at this frequency is profoundly healing. See below for the top affirmations and mantras for the sacral chakra: 

• Vam 
• Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya 
• Asato ma sadgamaya, tamaso ma jyotirgamaya, mrityorma amritam gamaya. 
• I am passionate and sensual. 
• I feel alive and in tune with the rhythm of the universe. 
• I am flowing with creativity. 

5. Explore Divine Sexuality Practices 

Since the svadhisthana chakra is the center for sensuality and sexuality, it is important to honor and explore these areas of life. Although many historical yoga practitioners were celibate, there was still an exploration during the awakening process of what sexual energy truly is and what it means to engage with this creative and sexual impulse consciously and spiritually. 

But exploring sexuality is more than just physical intimacy; it is also vital to explore emotional intimacy and its role in your intimate connections. There is a wide range of methods to explore these concepts, but some wonderful ways to start are through journaling, meditation, therapy, and partner work. 

Further Explorations Into the Svadhisthana Chakra

Discover the Svadhisthana Chakra in our 200 hr Yoga Teacher Training Online 

The svadhisthana chakra is so much more than the seat of sexual energy; this chakra center is the seat of the self. Within each of us, we have an innate capacity for divinity and creativity, and this capacity has the potential to be profoundly healing. In our upcoming online 200 hour and 300 hour yoga teacher trainings, we will explore the chakras in-depth both for your own healing process and to give you the tools to guide others in this exciting journey as well. Are you ready to step into your life purpose of being a yoga teacher? Reach out to us today for more information on how you can begin!

Did you miss our root chakra blog?  Be sure to check it out here! 


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